How To Use Commas Between Adjectives

Furry three cats cuddled on my lap.
How to use commas between adjectives. If in both instances the resulting phrase still sounds appropriate we are most likely dealing with coordinate adjectives and should use a comma between them. Use commas to separate coordinate adjectives. Consecutive adjectives before a noun need a comma between them when they are equal that is when they modify the noun equally. Adjectives of equal rank are adjectives that can exchange locations in the sentence with one another such that the sentence will still make sense. The way to figure out whether adjectives are coordinate or cumulative is to put the conjunction and between the adjectives or to see if they can be switched around.
These are called coordinate adjectives. In the sentence he is an esteemed elder statesman elder is more closely related more integral to statesman than esteemed is. They re coordinating if you could place and between them you shouldn t put a comma after the final adjective. Put a comma after introductory words phrases and clauses. That man is a pompous self righteous annoying idiot.
When you re describing something with two or more adjectives you can use a comma between them if those adjectives are coordinating. Both heavy and bulky modify box. First place the word and between the two adjectives. There is a two part test for coordinate adjectives. Coordinate adjectives are adjectives in a row that each separately modify the noun that follows 1 as in heavy bulky box.
Use commas to separate items in a list. Coordinate adjectives and cumulative adjectives. One way to tell whether the adjectives are coordinate is to try switching the order of them. 1 can you replace the comma with the word and. If your sentence sounds strange then you have cumulative adjectives and you shouldn t use a comma.
If two adjectives modify a noun in the same way place a comma between the two adjectives. When multiple adjectives modify a noun to an equal degree they are said to be coordinate and should be separated by commas. If the sentence still sounds natural when you add and or change the adjective order add a comma. Nonrestrictive nonessential clauses need commas. Adjectives describing the same noun which do not have equal rank do not require a comma.