How To Use Et Al In Citation Apa

The phrase et al is used with in text citations only when referencing a source that has three or more authors.
How to use et al in citation apa. For all in text citations. In apa 7 for a work with three or more authors list the first author and et al for all citations including the first citation unless doing so would create ambiguity. Note that this rule has changed from apa 6 guidelines on using et al which recommend listing all author names in the first citation up to five authors but then using et al for the second and subsequent citations. Include the name of only the first author s last name plus et al in every citation. Text that mentions 1st author et al.
In text citation format with et al. Note that this rule has changed from apa 6th edition guidelines on using et al which recommend listing all author names in the first citation up to five authors but then using et al for the second and subsequent citations. Articles with three four or five authors include all names in the first in text citation but are abbreviated to the first author name plus et al. Specifically articles with one or two authors include all names in every in text citation. Text 1st author et al year published or.