How To Write Dates

The date format in american english.
How to write dates. Dates in american english. In the day month year format used in the uk and other countries do not use commas at all. In the year 2000 the date was 4 7 2000 in british english. Write out the month as a word instead of using the numeral in slightly more formal situations. In the month day year format used in the united states place commas after the day and year.
For single digit days and months you can choose to write the single digit or use a zero in front of the digit. If we use the same example as before. Note that when the month is spelled out using the month day year format only cardinal numbers 1 2 3 should be used not ordinal numbers 1st 2nd 3rd. In written american english the month of the date comes before the day and year. On may 13th 2007 daniel was born.
In the first format month day year a comma should be placed between the day and the year. The 6th day of the month september in the year 2019 then the date in american english should be written as. For example independence day in the usa is on july 4th each year. The exception to the above rule is when of is used. When you prefer to write the date in american english usually the month comes before the day then followed by the year.